
Healthcare in action provides general medical care, behavioral health services, and addiction treatment. We also offer enhanced care management and community support services.
If you want to submit a referral for yourself, someone you know, or are calling from a hospital, skilled nursing facility, or another organization- please call the number for the region you are calling from and be prepared to provide as much of the following information as possible:
• Name of the person you are referring
• Date of birth, social security number if possible
• Does the person have health insurance/which insurance?
• Phone number or way to get into contact with them
o If there is no contact number, please give us a description of them
• Where do they normally stay/sleep?
o If the individual does not have a phone, please be as specific as possible about their location in order for our teams to have a better chance of success at going out and trying to find them to connect them to services
• Basic medical history: Is this person experiencing any health issues/concerns that require ongoing medical attention? What are they?
(Please note we do not cover all neighborhoods in all counties and will inform any referral if we are not servicing that specific neighborhood)
Referral Lines: Los Angeles County & San Diego County: (213) 669-6453
Orange County: (714) 450-6007
Riverside & San Bernadino Counties: (909) 970-5860
San Mateo County: (650) 442-1569
Referral Lines: Los Angeles County & San Diego County: (213) 669-6453
Orange County: (714) 450-6007
Riverside & San Bernadino Counties: (909) 970-5860
San Mateo County: (650) 442-1569